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Covid-19 - Campign on No One will Go Hungry in India through CAUSE India

The ‘No one will go Hungry’ campaign is in its 65 th day - amidst innumerable odds

First, we invited the needy to our home to hand them over the package of essential supplies. The landlord and neighbors objected. Then we asked them to wait about 50 meters from our house at the entrance to our block. The security and RWA presidents at the gates objected. Then this moved 100 meters away and then 200 meters away. Still, complaints grew. Police started questioning and objecting us to giving away the supplies. Even yesterday my ID card was taken away and I had to wait for hours in the police station having to explain why we are doing what we are doing. The needs of the hungry during this time of crisis is unspeakable. Government mechanisms are doing their great effort in bit, but they can only do that much. I see with my own eyes, a frail mother managing to jostle her way into the evening kitchen to get some food which is hardly enough for her three kids, who are not allowed inside. I am personally dismayed to note the number of hurdles we have to cross to do


just ‘good work’ when we actually place ourselves in danger’s way. Requesting support from one and all, in helping us reach the unreached. We promise to follow ALL safety protocols and Our team of volunteers will assist govt to enforce lockdown/maintain social distancing/maintain hygiene, every step of the way

COVID -19 lock down last 65 days we are running campaign on "No One will go Hungry" in India with the quote of “feeding the poor is the work of Virtue” of god ..We served 740 underprivileged communities in hard to reach areas so for.

Every day too many men and women across the globe struggle to feed their children a nutritious meal. In a world where we produce enough food to feed everyone, 821 million people – one in nine – still go to bed on an empty stomach each night. Even more – one in three – suffer from some form of malnutrition. Eradicating hunger and malnutrition is one of the great challenges of our time. Not only do the consequences of not enough – or the wrong – food cause suffering and poor health, they also slow progress in many other areas of development like education and employment.

In 2015 the global community adopted the 17 Global Goals for Sustainable Development to improve people’s lives by 2030. Goal 2 – Zero Hunger – pledges to end hunger, achieve food security, improve nutrition and promote sustainable agriculture, and is the priority of the CAUSE India.


Every day, CAUSE INDIA work to bring us closer to a zero hunger India . With our humanitarian food assistance, we provide nutritious food to those in urgent need. CAUSE India running a campaign on “No One will go Hungry” in India.

CAUSE India trying to reach the poorest of the poor in the hard to reach areas . But there is still a long way to go, and no one organization can achieve Zero Hunger if it works alone. If we want to see a India free of hunger by 2030, governments, citizens,Individuals,civil society organizations and the private sector must collaborate to invest, innovate and create lasting solutions

If you support this campaign,  Belief me you can see the transformation of life of poorest of the poor in the hard to reach areas. You can reach us : infocause2@gmail.com

Campign on Right To Play through CAUSE India

Children’s Right to Play: A concept note PLAY is the highest form of research - Albert Einstein Why This Programme? “We are often neglected, our voices remained unheard under the pressure of our parents’ expectations…We want to play together on the green field under the open sky…But where is the place, where is our time to play???” This is the unasked question of many children. They are over-burdened with studies, extra- curricular activities, and are tired of the prevalent rat race. As a result, tension, depression, anxiety, loneliness, isolation is gradually affecting the holistic development of children. Parents often take outdoor playing as a waste of time. According to them, their children must engage in prospective activities. Not only the privileged children, but also the children from disadvantaged families have no childhood at all. It is lost in their fight for existence Responding to this global concern, CAUSE is helping children get an access to their fundamental right – Right to Play. Children’s Right to Play is not a luxury, but a necessity of life. Parents have a responsibility to ensure that children are given the freedom to play. Playing accelerates the child’s mental as well as physical growth. It develops perseverance and serves to shape and integrate emotional, perceptual and motivational neural structures in a way that offers a better chance of survival


The habit of playing, builds academic skills through gross motor and fine motor development. But now a days, children are facing problems in ensuring their rights from several aspects: Although India is a signatory to the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC), but the state fails to protect this fundamental right of its children due to different social, economic and cultural beliefs and gaps. One of the major and the most visible problem in the context of India, particularly: Children from elite schools are overburdened with their home works and tuitions, hence find it difficult to find any time to play and parents of children often consider outdoor playing as a waste of time, so indulge in indoor games in computer, or listening to music for recreation. Children from disadvantaged backgrounds have no childhood. In the spare time they either engage themselves to increase the family earning or in domestic chores or in sibling care. The ever-widening socio-cultural- economic gap between the haves and have- not’s prohibits them from mingling with each other CAUSE has been working relentlessly for a long time to ensure the rights of children of different strata. CAUSE India’s Right to Play is a unique


opportunity of coming together of children from disadvantaged background and elite schools. This event promotes the long forgotten children’s games of the country. As part of this initiative, CAUSE is working to spread awareness and build network with like-minded organizations and government departments to advocate on children’s ‘Right To Play’. It’s not only about outdoor games, it’s about games, songs, dance, drama, music, karate, sounds, colours, flowers – an effort to ensure the children’s recreation in their own way. Children from various socio-economic background, their parents, teachers, and government officials are collaborated in our programmes. Goal of the programme: Advocate for recognizing “Play” as children’s right by the government and mobilize resources to support that from all segments of the society.

Cause India Story: Campaign on “It’s time to wake up”!

The food we eat, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the climate that makes our planet habitable all come from nature.

Yet, these are exceptional times in which nature is sending us a message: To care for ourselves we must care for nature.

It’s time to wake up. To take notice. To raise our voices. It’s time to build back better for People and Planet. Please save the earth for us in the future .


Welcome to Cause (Campaign For Education)

"Right to Education"

CAUSE is a not-for-profit organization working since 2004 (formally registered in 2017) towards To achieving sustainable Development Goals in urban and rural areas of India.Motivated by our concern for the world’s vulnerable children, families and communities, CHANGING ATTITUDES USING THE SOCIAL ENERGY ” CAUSE envisions a world where abundant resources are shared, communities are able to provide for the health and well being of their members, and children and families can achieve lives of hope, good health, and self-sufficiency.


Strategy & Inventions


Child Rights






Gender rights



Maternal and Child Health

Eradication of Avoidable blindness


Creating Awareness

Against drugs

Adolescent health & hygiene

Water & sanitation


Skill Building

Skill Development



Livelihood generation


Disaster Management

Disaster Preparedness and Management

Humanitarian Assistance

programs designed to reduce vulnerability to chronic flooding in the area.

Meeting with the stakeholder

Meeting with Block Development Officer
Meeting with CDPO
Meeting with chairman and surpanch of Tapookhera

Sustainable Development Goals
